Portland, OR Music Photography
Attaining a professional music photographer guarantees quality photography for your music album or art. Ken has been shooting for decades and his reputation and experience has attracted many high-profile clients and celebrities, yet still maintains the professionalism and relaxed personality to put any type of client at ease. If you a performer please consider our Portland studio to shoot your singer headshot, promotional art, or album covers.Best Music Photographer for Bands, Musicians, Singers
Ken W. Studio focuses on developing your brand, through the art of photography and communicating the essence of your attitude and personality in each shot. We build an authentic rapport with everyone we work with, gaining a firm understanding of who you are and what you have to say. Our process is organically progressive - we don't strip you of your natural qualities; we work with them and incorporate every asset of your personality into the shoot. We ensure that the experience you have with us will be organic and enjoyable and the results that you leave with will be ceaselessly beneficial, and long-lasting. We entrust that your photos will have a rich composition and that certain spark that is necessary to propel you in the industry.Professional Oregon Music Photographer
Ken has an extensive portfolio filled with many high-profile celebrity clients and wealth of experience working with every style and genre. Whether you perform classical, jazz, hip hop, rock n' roll, pop, or anything else, he has the skill and flexibility to capture any style. In addition, a professional and relaxed atmosphere can be guaranteed during the shoot, whether location or studio. If you're a musician or performer in Oregon looking for the best music photography has to offer, please keep in mind the studio and bring any inquiries to e-mail or call the corresponding studio number.The studio also provides professional prints for fashion/modeling, top boudoir photography, and great headshots.