Coming from the Mid-East to Detroit at ten years old, Rose Shoshana began as a photographer, and evolved to become one of the seminal pioneers in the LA art gallery movement. Some of the renowned artists she represents include: Graciela Iturbide, John Chiara, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, William Eggleston, Tania Franco Klein and many others. In this talk, we get to hear her unique story.
Graciela Iturbide Mujer angel [Angel Woman], Sonora Desert, 1979
William Eggleston Sumner, Mississippi [young man in chair], ca. 1970
Tania Franco Klein Fork, tub (self-portrait), 2021
Rinko Kawauchi Untitled, from the series Ametsuchi, 2013
Manuel Alvarez Bravo Colchon, 1927
Elger Esser Ninfa, Ouia [Thyia], 2013
Jo Ann Callis Woman with Blonde Hair, 1977
John Chiara Coral_ Carolina_ Starr-King, 2021
Kennedi Carter When Hands Touch, from East Durham Love, 2018
Photo of Rose Shoshana by Ken Weingart